I love planning gay weddings as they are not constrained by the traditions of straight weddings allowing so much more creativity and fun. However, some of the wedding professionals that I speak to find the lack of tradition threatening and need reassurance.
If that is you, then this guide is just what you need. It will allow you to adapt your service, if necessary. It’s usually just a question of confidence and this is helped by having the right knowledge.
If you decided to take the next step, then there is usually some work to be done around adapting your marketing literature, contractual terminology and adapting the marketing plan to reach a new audience.
These can be simple things such as replacing terms such as “bride and groom” with “happy couple”, for example. It would be easy to think that only straight wedding professionals make these mistakes, but this is not the case. It’s just a case of the whole industry needing to adapt to a new reality – about time.
The guide’s only £9.99 and it is available as an immediate download below:
Note: if you are not totally satisfied with your purchase you can have a full refund.