
Buying the perfect gay wedding ring

gay wedding

A wedding ring is something that you’ll love and cherish for the rest of your life. Choosing a design can be tricky as your personal tastes will often differ from those of your spouse. However, contrary to popular belief you don’t need to buy matching rings. Feel free to make your own choice; after all, it’s your individualities that attracted each other in the first place.

Measuring your ring size

Measure your ring finger on your preferred hand (traditionally the wedding ring is worn on the left, although the etiquette for gay marriages is still emerging) when your fingers are warm – the temperature can change your finger size. You can download measurers online which can be printed off and wrapped around your finger. The most accurate way to measure your finger, however, is to visit a jeweller. A ring should be snug, but loose enough to take off with minimal effort.

Gold wedding rings

9 carat gold is the most popular metal for wedding rings. The higher the carat number, the higher the percentage of pure gold. Cheaper alloys – those with less pure gold content – will eventually change colour due to reactions with perspiration and other jewellery; therefore, try to pair rings with similar alloys and, if possible, avoid wearing too many rings on the same finger.

Platinum wedding rings

Platinum rings are extremely hard-wearing and durable. Some people opt for gold rings plated with rhodium (white gold), which adds protection and looks similar to platinum. Palladium is a new metal to the jewellery world and features similar characteristics; however, it’s not quite as hard.

Shopping for rings

Just like every relationship is different, so is every proposal. While most people shop together, some people prefer the more traditional approach of shopping alone and “popping the question” – this is becoming more and more frequent among same-sex couples. Do whatever suits you, but just remember to give the jeweller at least 2-3 weeks notice so the ring can be created to the right specifications.

You’ll probably wear your ring on a daily basis; therefore, whatever design you choose, make sure you genuinely like it. It’s fairly common for couples to regret their decision soon after buying, and while recasting is an option, it’s not exactly cheap!

It’s probably a bit early, but if you are very organised why don’t book your free gay wedding planning consultation.  We might even be able to help with some ideas for a romantic proposal.


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